We are a community of Feminists, Change Makers, and Anti-capitalists who also happen to be business owners. And we're committed to using our work to make an impact in our communities and in the collective.
This space is a collaborative community for you to learn about what it takes to build wildly successful businesses without replicating and upholding patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacist delusion.
Hi! I'm Lauren Elizabeth! I'm a Feminist Business Mentor and Courage Coach and I'm the host of the Feminist Business Network. I help coaches, healers, and creatives get grounded in their unique Zone of Brilliance and build/grow their businesses in a way that honors their humanity, and their vision for social and cultural change.
When you join us, you'll get access to:
+Weekly co-working calls on Mondays
+Weekly Feminist Business tips
+The Feminist Business Resource Library
+Regular accountability + community support
Plus a TON of other goodies will be rolling out in the near future.
The best part about it...?
The Feminist Business Network is currently FREE! There are paid community spaces and courses available, but access to the Network itself is FREE!